Children of Blood and Bone review and book club discussion.
Virtual Book Club: Children of Blood and Bone

Children of Blood and Bone review and book club discussion.
Behind the scenes of the new Ariadne’s Crown book.
I am the Messenger by Markus Zusak I think I might be a Markus Zusak fangirl. Every book I’ve read by him guts me with the beautiful writing and characters that fly off the page. Bridge of Clay had me
My 91 year old Grandma needed a better mobile phone because she was never home. When I showed her how to use it, we both got a lesson in technology.
5 tips to keep kids reading over the summer with a free Book Bingo printable.
Last Friday, Bennet and I visited a local school to talk with several second and third grade classrooms about the Superhero Kick Team books and writing. Kids always remind me what’s important.
The chapter I’m reading now deals with making more time for play. It got me thinking about how much time I fit into my schedule for fun. Like most working moms, it’s probably not enough.
These beet chips are one of my favorite Farmer’s Market recipes. I tell the kids they’re “Red Chips”.
Welcome to the virtual book club! December’s selection is I Was Anastasia, by Ariel Lawhon. It’s historical fiction about one of the great historical mysteries. During the Russian Revolution in 1918, the Bolshevik police put the entire royal Romanov family
November has been a whirlwind month. We’ve been so busy trying to get the 2nd Superhero Kick team book completed. Plus, with taekwondo testing this week, Thanksgiving, and my older son’s birthday, it went from Halloween to Crazytown around here.