Hi! I’m Meadoe. I love beautiful words. I look for them everywhere and sometimes find them in unexpected places. I’m usually reading multiple books at a time – often in the middle of the night. Beauty is everywhere and I try to find it every day – even when it’s hidden in chaos.
I started a blog several years ago called Meadoe Out on a Limb, where I blogged about health, fitness, parenting and life. That blog was a quest to get out of my comfort zone and do something I love – writing. I’m still on that quest and still reaching for those boundaries. In the last few years, I’ve earned a black belt in taekwondo and expanded my writing to include fiction for teens and kids, including two children’s books I wrote with my son. Writing with my son was so rewarding and every time a kid tells me he/she enjoyed the book, it’s the best thing ever. I never get tired of watching my kid sign copies of our book.
I love mythology and those stories that are passed down through the generations. I write books for teens (and adults) with strong female leads and classic mythology. Check out my version of the Theseus and the Minotaur myth here. My Furious Legacy series is a modern take on the Furies from Greek mythology. Find out more here.
I’m so proud to have participated in the 2016 Listen to your Mother show in Milwaukee. You can listen to my story about firetrucks and grocery shopping here.
My work has also appeared in Chicken Soup for the Soul, Literary Mama, Sweatpants and Coffee and other corners of the internet.
Thanks for stopping by!
~ Meadoe
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Check out my story in Literary Mama about reading with my kids.
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